Aluminumrock Resources Archive
We have compiled lots of credible suppliers for you to help you save time.
At the same time, we also share with you the creative valuable manufacturing and customization technology for aluminum cosmetic bottles, jars, and tubes that will help you understand the production and customization well.
7 Must-Know Key Points Import and Customize Metal Containers From China
As an metal containers manufacturer and aluminum cosmetic packaging supplier with extensive experience, we have touched with so many buyers all around the world, we concluded some points they mostly cared about and listed the 7 must-know key points
when you import, wholesale and customize metal cosmetic containers from China.
Hi, I'm Olivia Lee, the founder of I've been running a company in China that customizes aluminum cosmetic packages for 5 years now, the purpose of this article is to share with you knowledge related to aluminum cosmetic bottles, jars, cans, and tubes from a best Chinese supplier's perspective.
Olivia Lee